Capa-negativer oppdaget

Tre esker med flere tusen av Robert Capas negativer har dukket opp etter nærmere 70 år på vandring. Negativene ble etterlatt i Paris da Capa flyktet til USA i 1939, og først i 1995 ble det kjent at samlingen hadde overlevd. Kanskje gir det endelig svar på et av fotohistoriens mest diskuterte tema, om Capa iscenesatte fotografiet av partisanen som ble skutt under den spanske borgerkrigen.

Capa assumed that the work had been lost during the Nazi invasion, and he died in 1954 on assignment in Vietnam still thinking so. But in 1995 word began to spread that the negatives had somehow survived, after taking a journey worthy of a John le Carré novel: Paris to Marseille and then, in the hands of a Mexican general and diplomat who had served under Pancho Villa, to Mexico City.

And that is where they remained hidden for more than half a century until last month, when they made what will most likely be their final trip, to the International Center of Photography in Midtown Manhattan, founded by Robert Capa’s brother, Cornell. After years of quiet, fitful negotiations over what should be their proper home, legal title to the negatives was recently transferred to the Capa estate by descendants of the general, including a Mexican filmmaker who first saw them in the 1990s and soon realized the historical importance of what his family had

The Capa Cache - New York Times

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