Nå gjør selskapet trolig det eneste rette ved å offentliggjøre bildene:
BP sier dette om hvorfor de legger ut bildene:
One of BP's contract photographers used Photoshop to edit images posted on the bp.com Gulf of Mexico Response web site.
Typical Photoshop uses include color correction, reducing glare and cropping. This week we learned of two images where cut-and-paste was also used in the photo-editing process. These cut-and-pasted images have been removed from the bp.com site.
For the sake of transparency, the original and edited images are presented here for comparison. We have also included an image that appears cut-and-pasted, but was edited using the color saturation tool to improve the visibility of a projection screen image.
Although BP is a private company, we've instructed the photographer who created the images to refrain from cutting-and-pasting in the future and to adhere to standard photo journalistic best practices.
More information can be found on BP's Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=449886 943412
Terms of use: These images are the copyright of BP p.l.c. and are made available in good faith. You may reproduce the images on the understanding that (i) any reproduction of these images will include the following acknowledgment adjacent to the image(s) used - '© BP p.l.c.' and (ii) these images will not be used in connection with any purpose that is prejudicial to BP, its officers or employees or any other third party. The images may not be sold on.
BP Altered Images - a set on Flickr
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