Adobe Lens Profile Creator

Adobe Lens Profile Creator er et gratis verktøy som gjør det enkelt å lage objektivprofiler til bruk i Photoshop-produktfamilien, for eksempel Adobe Photoshop CS5, Camera Raw og Lightroom. En objektivprofil beskriver optiske avvik i et bestemt objektiv og beregner hvordan du kan rette opp feil i et bilde tatt fra samme objektivet.

Lens Profile Creator håndterer tre vanlige typer linseavvik: geometriske forvrengning, kromatiske avvik og vignettering.

Prosessen med å lage en tilpasset objektivprofil innebærer å ta et sett med foto av et spesielt testbilde (lastes ned og skrives ut) med ditt kamera og objektiv. Dersom du arbeider med råformat må du konvertere bildene til Digital Negative (DNG)-format ved hjelp av Adobe Camera Raw, for så å importere DNG-filene (eller JPEG / TIFF-bilder hvis du foretrekker å arbeide med slike filer) i Lens Profile Creator. Programmet lager deretter egendefinerte linseprofiler med utgangspunkt i disse bildene.

Du kan også sende linseprofiler som du har opprettet til andre brukere av programmet.

Follow these steps to get started with the Lens Profile Creator:

  1. Download the Lens Profile Creator prerelease
  2. The Lens Profile Creator does not require installation. Simply unzip the zip file on Windows or unpack the DMG file on Mac OSX, and run the software.
  3. For a quick demo, run the software and import the sample checkerboard images (JPEGs) provided as part of the application package, and generate a lens profile. Please refer to the Lens Profile Creator User Guide for how to use the application.
  4. Select any one of the checkerboard PDF files provided as part of the application package that best satisfies your constraints, print it and mount it on a planar surface with sufficient ambient lighting, and start shooting multiple checkerboard images (a minimum of three images are required, but nine are recommended) for each camera/lens settings that you are interested in obtaining the lens profiles for. Please refer to the Lens Profile Creator Calibration Chart Shooting Quick Start Guide or the full Calibration Chart Shooting Guide.
  5. If you are creating the lens profiles for your raw image processing workflow, batch convert the captured raw images into the standard Digital Negative (DNG) file format using the Camera Raw processor. This will maximally preserve all lens related EXIF metadata for embedding into the lens profiles that enables automatic lens profile matching later.
  6. Process the raw DNG images (or the JPEG/TIFF images if you prefer creating lens profiles for the non-raw workflow) through the Lens Profile Creator to create the custom lens profile.
  7. Save the lens profiles that you have created into the specific lens profiles folder(s) that Photoshop CS5, Camera Raw and Lightroom would be looking for them for lens corrections. Please refer to the Lens Profile Creator User Guide that documents such information. The Lens Profile Creator will save to such lens profile folder location by default.
  8. Submit the lens profiles that you have created for your lens from inside the Lens Profile Creator to share with the rest of the user community.
  9. Ask questions and share your feedback in the Lens Profile Creator forum

Adobe Labs - Adobe Lens Profile Creator

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