Lego Matrix

Nå er jo enhver animasjonsfilm i prinsippet en stillbildefilm, og denne er fantastisk bra laget:

Just in time for its 10th year anniversary, "Trinity Help" is a frame-accurate stop-frame animation of the famous bullet-dodge scene from the 1999 movie The Matrix, all done in Lego.

By "frame accurate" we mean that we took all of the video frames from that part of the movie (that's nearly 900 frames for just 44 seconds of footage) and reproduced them all in Lego.

This was time-consuming to say the least, taking us something like 440 hours to make the completed movie. At that ratio of 10 hours per second we figured we could do the whole film in about 9 years, so long we didn't need to eat or sleep. As a full-time job then, we're probably looking at 25 years or so. No thanks.

Og for sammenligningens skyld:

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