Musikkvideo med 45.000 stillbilder

Forholdet mellom stillbilder og film har alltid vært interessant, og det finnes mange eksempler på hvordan filmatiske uttrykk har blitt forbedret ved å benytte sekvenser av stillbilder som virkemiddel.

Denne musikkvideoen eksemplifiserer hvordan enkelt opptaksutstyr kan utnyttes for å skape et estetisk uttrykk som en vanskelig vil kunne oppnå med et videokamera. Her tenker jeg først og fremst på dybdeskaphet, ikke at bildene "hakker":

Cesar Kuriyama, a New York animator and lighting technical director, has directed a visually arresting music video using an interesting technique.

Eschewing a video camera, he took 45,000 photographs with a Nikon D200 DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera and stitched them together to create the illusion of video.

The music video was created for the band Fat City Reprise and premiered at their homecoming concert in Philadelphia.

Kuriyama says he directed the talent in the video to move as best they could in slow-motion while he had his director of photography Tommy Agriodimas shoot JPG bursts with the Nikon D200.

The duo were able to get about 60 images per burst at about four pictures per second. "Obviously we did many takes for each shot," says Kuriyama. "Eventually one good take of them moving in slow motion would look great."

Via Wired.

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