075:47:30 Anders or Borman (onboard): Oh, my God! Look at that picture over there! Here's the Earth coming up. Wow, is that pretty!
075:47:37 Borman or Anders (onboard): Hey, don't take that, it's not scheduled.
[At this point, a photograph is taken on magazine E, loaded with black & white film. It seems evident that the person who took it was the same person who expressed astonishment at the view.]
075:47:39 Borman (onboard): [Laughter] You got a color film, Jim?
075:47:46 Anders (onboard): Hand me that roll of color quick, will you...
075:47:48 Lovell (onboard): Oh man, that's great!
075:47:50 Anders (onboard): ...Hurry. Quick.
075:47:54 Borman (onboard): Gee.
075:47:55 Lovell (onboard): It's down here?
075:47:56 Anders (onboard): Just grab me a color. That color exterior.
075:48:00 Lovell (onboard): [Garbled.]
075:48:01 Anders (onboard): Hurry up!
075:48:06 Borman (onboard): Got one?
075:48:08 Anders (onboard): Yeah, I'm looking for one.
075:48:10 Lovell (onboard): C 368.
[368 refers to film type, SO-368, which is essentially an Ektachrome-type transparency film manufactured by Kodak. Bill has found magazine B whose images will eventually get the prefix "AS08-14".]
075:48:11 Anders (onboard): Anything, quick.
075:48:13 Lovell (onboard): Here.
075:48:17 Anders (onboard): Well, I think we missed it.
075:48:31 Lovell (onboard): Hey, I got it right here!
Apollo 8 ble skutt opp den 21. desember 1968, og kom tilbake den 27. desember.
Apollo Flight Journal
Kilde: Wikipedia.
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