James Nachtwey om XDR-TB

James Nachtwey har fotografert ofre for XDR-TB, en resistent variant av tuberkulose. Denne sykdommen finnes i 49 land, og tar årlig livet av 20 000 mennesker - ett menneske hvert 20. sekund.

Bildene publiseres i TIME magazine, via et eget nettsted og på utendørs utstillinger flere steder i verden.

Om XDRTB.org

XDRTB.org is an extraordinary effort to tell the story of extremely
drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) and TB through powerful photographs
taken by James Nachtwey. XDR-TB, or extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis,
is a new and deadly mutation of tuberculosis. Similar in creation to
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) but more extreme in its manifestation,
it arises when common tuberculosis goes untreated or standard TB drugs are
misused. James' photographs represent these varying strains. Learn more about TB, MDR-TB and XDR-TB, and learn how you can take action to stop this deadly disease.

Photographer James Nachtwey has been covering war and human rights
stories for 30 years, traveling from Northern Ireland to Iraq, from the
orphanages of Romania to the deadly killing grounds of the Sudan. He knows
the power of news photographs to raise awareness and make real change.
In 2007, he was awarded the TED Prize, which comes with $100,000 and one
wish to change the world. These photographs and this project are his wish.
Learn more about James Nachtwey and the TED Prize and the conference
that started it all, TED.

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