Teknikken går ut på å erstatte de tradisjonelle LCD-displayet med et relieff dannet av små tapper, som kan styres elektronisk. Hvert bilde suppleres med tre sekunders lydopptak, slik at det blir letter å identifisere bildene.
Under International Design Excellence Awards '08 ble Touch Sight tildelt gull i kategorien Communication Tools.
Under arbeidet med kameraet oppdaget oppfinneren at den optimale bruken av kameraet:
"at the Beit Ha’iver (Center for the Blind) in Herzliya, Israel, the instructor who teaches a photography course for the visually impaired discovered that holding the camera to the forehead, like a third eye, is the best way for them to stabilize and aim the camera. The instructor also found the visually impaired have no problems estimating distances, since their sense of hearing is especially sharp. Every rustle of wind in the trees catches their attention and can be used to judge distances. Other senses come into play as well. The heat of the sun or a lamp in a living room, for example, signals a direct source of light. They regularly use their non-visual senses to feel the world and manifest it into a mental photograph."
Det er ikke sagt noe om når kameraet kan komme i handelen.
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