"This was part of a series of 27 images called Victims and Avengers," says Anthony, 36. "It deals with domestic violence and the repercussions for women and children who have been abused. It also relates to that moment when there is a final straw -- when the victims take matters into their own hands."
Anthony brukte film (4x5) til de originale opptakene, men forteller at bildene ble scannet og satt sammen digitalt.
Anthony bruker delvis et Mamiya mellom-format kamera med digitalt bakstykke, men foretrekker å jobbe på film i store formater: "I love the slow, methodical approach /../ I've been buying really old lenses -- like from the turn of the century -- and using them with my 5x7 and 8x10 cameras. Everything old is new again."
Se også filmen fra utstillingen med flere vinnere:
Images of the Year 2007 - Grand Prize Winner - - PopPhotoJanuary/February 2008
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