Adobes John Nack skriver blant annet dette:
Earlier this year, Adobe introduced Premiere Express, a free, Flash-based online video editor for creating mash-ups and remixes. Anyone using Photobucket, MTV.com and YouTube’s TestTube site can take Premiere Express for a spin. Photoshop Express, though not yet publicly available, aims to offer a similarly easy, approachable experience for image editing.
I can't share a ton of additional detail at the moment, but here's a screenshot of the app in action. Adobe Sr. VP John Loiacono showed that it was possible to adjust an image just by rolling over the different versions shown at the top, previewing the results & then clicking the desired degree of modification. I'll post more info as it becomes available.
John Nack on Adobe: "Photoshop Express" RIA sneak-peeked today
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