Å jobbe med et kamera der man ikke er avhengig av å se gjennom en speilrefleksssøker gjør mange ting enklere under vann. Dessuten tilsier en mindre bildebrikke større dybdeskarphet ved store blenderåpninger, noe undervannsfotografer trolig vil vite å verdsette. Kombindert med gode manuelle instillings-muligheter synes DX1G å være et interessant alternativ.
Pressemeldingen finnes dessverre bare på engelsk:
Sea&Sea DX1G camera - Underwater
The new Sea&Sea DX1G underwater camera has a high quality 1/1.75” primary color CCD with Vibration Correction and an effective 10.01 Megapixel resolution, for the best possible images. The quick response zoom lens that ranges from 24mm wide angle to 72mm telephoto, provides ideal versatility for framing subjects. The shutter response of .1 seconds is the fastest in it’s class with power-up of 1.1 seconds and recycle time of 1 second make the Sea&Sea DX-1G the class of the field.
Sea&Sea DX-1G underwater compact camera - Macro and Programme
The new Sea&Sea 1G camera incorporates a large 2.5-inch TFT liquid crystal monitor in a compact, lightweight aluminum camera body. The camera features an exceptional macro capability of ½ inch (1cm) to infinity at 24mm and 2 inches (4cm) to ∞ at 72mm. Optional wide angle accessory lens reduces close focusing distance to 0 inches (0cm). There are three exposure modes and 2 custom modes available for heightened control over image creativity: A (Aperture Mode), P (Program Mode), M (Manual Exposure Mode) and 2 Custom modes (MY1 and MY2).
Sea&Sea 1G digital camera - RAW and Focus
The Sea&Sea mode includes optimal spot on underwater exposures and an additional 5 preset and 2 customizable white balance controls. There is a manual focus capability for additional control in critical low-light or intense macro conditions. Furthermore the Sea&Sea DX-1G supports RAW shooting mode for highest quality files and image processing in Adobe Photoshop or other available software. Compatible with SDHC memory cards up to 4GB.
Sea&Sea DX-1G digital underwater camera - Price and Availability
Accessories include: Wide-Angle conversions lens (#SS-52116) available that offers super wide-angle images of 16mm (35mm equivalent), Lens Caddy (#SS-60104), DB-60 Li-Ion battery (#SS-831016) and Battery Charger (#SS-8 3 1014). An optional hot shoe mounted LED Strobe Adapter is being developed in order to allow continuous shooting without flash recycle delay. Product information soon to be released. The Sea&Sea DX-1G system (#SS-06581A) has an MSRP of $ 1,049.00 and a MAP of $999.95. The system will be available in several packages with Sea&Sea’s YS-110 DS-TTL strobe and YS-27DX strobe and accessories.
More detailed camera and housing specifications are available for download.
Sea & Sea USA - Underwater Photography Cameras & Video
Dette er sikert en gammel artikkel, men jeg tillater meg å kommentere den alikevell:
SvarSlettUndervannskameraet er basert på et Ricoh GX kamera, sansynlighvis GX100.
Ricoh GR1 derimot, er et gammelt analogkamera fra 1996.....
Henvisningen til GR-1 er helt klart tull fra min side. Må kalle det en arbeidsulykke. GR-1 var kameraet som på mange måter tjente som inspirasjon til GR Digital.
SvarSlettVed nærmere ettersyn ser jeg imidlertid at det heller ikke er GR Digital som danner basis for dette kameraet, men som du ganske riktig påpeker GX100