Nikon hevder at en av de viktigste tekniske fremskrittene i D80 er bildbehandlingsmotoren for høyoppløste bilder. Fra Nikons seneste profesjonelle digitale systemkameraer har vi hentet fordeler som 12-bits A/D forvandling med høy presisjon som gir naturlige bilder med virkelighetsnøytrale farger- og tonegjengivelse.
Andre vil nok hevde at en av de vesentligste endringene fra D70s oppløsningen som med dette går opp fra 6 til 10 megapiksler. Alt tyder på at D80 får samme sensor som Sony Alpha A-100, en sensor som er omtrent identisk med den som sitter i Nikon D200.
Prisen blir relativt hyggelig, den begynner rett under 10.000 kroner.
Pressemelding fra Nikon Norge:

Nikons oppladbar litium- ion batteri EN-EL3e har kapasitet for opp til 2 700* bilder på en eneste ladning. Det er utstyrt med en praktisk oversikt over utstående ladning i prosent, antall bilder igjen og vanlig batteristatus.
Den effektive innebygde blitsen er utstyrt med Nikons stabile i-TTL- blitskontroll, som gir høyere presisjon i bedømningen av blitseksponering og dermed bedre automatisk blitsbalanse. Kameraet kan trådløst styre to grupper av blitser (SB-600/800/R200) via Creative Lighting System.
D80 har en rask oppstart ? på kun 0,18 sekunder ? og har en lukkerforsinkelse på cirka 80 millisekunder. Den store, høyoppløste LCD- skjermen (2,5 tommer og 230 000 punkter) har en betraktningsvinkel på hele 170 grader. En ny forstørrelsesknapp gjør det enklere å se på bildene og bedømme skarphet med opp til 25 gangers forstørrelse.
Samtidig som D80 har enestående egenskaper i sin klasse tilbyr kameraet funksjoner som gjør fotograferingen med et systemkamera enklere enn noensinne. D80 har funksjoner som D-Lighting som allerede i kameraet forbedrer detaljskarpheten samtidig som eksponeringsbalansen optimaliseres. Korrigering av røde øyne kan automatisk identifisere og kompensere den irriterende effekten av røde øyne. D80 har også en innebygd bildefremvisningsfunksjon ? standard eller avansert PictMotion ? med mulighet til å velge foreskjellige typer av bildeovergang og bakgrunnsmusikk. Du kan titte på bildefremvisningen direkte i kameraet eller komplett med lyd på en TV med hjelp av den medfølgende AV- kabelen.
Som en støttefunksjon under vanskelige fotosituasjoner byr D80 på syv forprogrammerte Digital Vari - programmer. Du kan velge mellom motivprogrammene auto, portrett, landskap, makro, sport, nattlandskap og nattportrett.
D80 er utstyrt med en ny CCD - bildsensor i DX-format med 10,2 millioner effektive piksler. Samtidig får du store muligheter til kreativ beskjæring og papirkopier i imponerende størrelser. Sensoren i Nikons DX-format og Nikons F-bajonettobjektivfatning garanterer en uovertruffen kompatibilitet med det omfattende sortimentet av AF- og DX-Nikkor- objektiver som er eksklusivt konstruert for Nikons digitale systemkameraer.
Nikon D80 har til og med mange av de andre kjente Nikon- funksjonene som Image overlay der du skaper et nytt, sammensatt bilde av et par valgte råformatfiler (NEF). Med Multiple Exposures kan man ta et enkelt bilde i kameraet satt sammen av opp til tre eksponeringer i rad. Resultatet ligner effekten av dobbelteksponeringsteknikk i kameraer med film. Beskjæring kan anvendes for å skape mindre bildefiler og justere bildekompensasjonen.
Med Nikon D80 leveres Nikons egen programvare PictureProject som gjør det enkelt å redigere, organisere og dele sine bilder med andre.
Nikon D80 regnes med å være tilgjengelig til salg i tidlig høst 2006.
Nikon D80 kamerahus: kr 9 990 inkl mva
Nikon D80-kit med 18-70 mm objektiv: kr 11 990 inkl mva
Nikon D80-kit med 18-135 mm objektiv: kr 11 990 inkl mva
Nikon lanserer i dag også to nye objektiver:
AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f4,5-5,6G IF ED og AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-135 mm f3,5-5,6 IF-ED.
* Under følgende testforhold: Fulladet EN-EL3e-batteri, 20 °C, zoomobjektiv Nikkor AF-S DX 18?135 mm f/3,5?4,5G IF-ED, bildserieinnstilling: kontinuerlig servoautofokus, bildkvalitet JPEG BASIC, bildstørrelse Medium, lukkertid 1/250 sekund, utløseren nedtrykket halvveis i tre sekunder og fokusskift fra uendelig til minste avstand tre ganger for hvert bilde, skjermen på i fem sekunder etter seks bilder og deretter avslått, prosedyren avluttes når eksponeringsmålingen er ferdig.
Pressemelding fra Nikon Europe:
Nikon D80
Outstanding performance, ease of operation, versatile personal control and exciting in-camera effects make digital SLR photography more rewarding for all.
Amsterdam, 9 August 2006. Nikon Corporation is pleased to introduce the D80. Incorporating Nikon's latest digital and photographic technologies, this new high-performance interchangeable-lens digital SLR camera features automated operation and advanced features, designed to satisfy any photographer with the passion to create beautiful photographs and preserve special moments.
The D80 features a new 10.2 effective megapixel DX Format CCD image sensor, bringing a new level of high resolution and sharp detail to the class whilst also providing plenty of freedom to crop creatively and print impressive enlargements. Nikon's DX Format sensor and Nikon F bayonet lens mount design assure unprecedented compatibility across the comprehensive assortment of AF Nikkor lenses and DX Nikkor lenses and are designed exclusively for Nikon digital SLR cameras.
One of the key advances developed for the D80 is Nikon's own high-resolution image processing engine. Advantages inherited from Nikon's latest professional digital SLR cameras include color independent analog pre-conditioning and high-precision 12-bit digital image processing algorithms, which combine to produce natural-looking images that benefit from faithful color and tone reproduction. A new dedicated high-performance processing chip greatly accelerates performance on all levels, while also achieving lower power consumption, assuring more pictures per battery charge.
Nikon's exclusive 3D Color Matrix Metering II ensures accurate automatic exposure control for ideal exposures, even in the most challenging lighting conditions.
Evaluating, rather than merely measuring or averaging the true content of each scene, input from the system's frame-wide 420-pixel sensor is automatically referenced against an onboard database of over 30,000 scenes from actual photography to calculate final exposure value.
Variable center-weighted metering and spot metering centered on the active focus area are also available, as are exposure compensation and auto exposure bracketing. Sophisticated exposure automation combined with options for complete user control help to make the D80 an ideal high-performance digital SLR for passionate photography enthusiasts.
Advanced Auto White Balance (AWB) produces natural coloration by measuring the entire frame of each scene and matching white balance to the light source. For those who wish greater personal control, the flexible options include a choice of six specific manual settings, (Incandescent, Fluorescent, Direct Sunlight, Flash, Cloudy, and Shade), as well as a preset option for using a gray or white object as a reference.
Ensuring consistently fast and precise focus lock under varying shooting conditions is the D80's refined 11-area AF system. Adopting a refined version of Nikon's advanced Multi-CAM 1000 AF Sensor Module, this new 11-area AF system adds effective new focusing options that will instill greater confidence in getting the desired shot. For example, while the system is able to use each of its 11 focus areas individually, the center sensor can also be switched to wide-frame operation for broader coverage. New Auto-area AF mode measures all 11 focus areas, automatically determines which of them are on the primary subject, and activates only those areas.
Ready to shoot whenever that priceless expression or special moment presents itself, the D80 takes only 0.18 seconds to power up. The shutter's minimal release lag time of approx. 80 milliseconds delivers instant response while shooting, as does the fast and precise focus of the refined 11-area AF system with AF-assist illuminator. Images are processed instantly and recorded quickly to the inserted SD memory card. Preview images are also displayed near instantly.
Continuous shooting at a rapid 3 frames per second in bursts of up to 100 JPEG (FINE M-size or smaller) images makes action photography a reality.
Packing high performance and high resolution into a slimmer, more compact body, the D80 also remains true to Nikon's commitment to intuitive operation. The size, layout and operation of all buttons and controls are designed for maximum ease of use.
The D80 features a large and bright viewfinder with large 0.94x magnification to ensure the clearest view possible for precise composition. Included is a built-in diopter adjustment control knob making it easier to fine-tune the view to match eyesight. The viewfinder's integrated grid display can also be turned on to assist composition.
A large new 2.5-inch 230,000-dot high-resolution LCD provides an ultra-wide 170-degree viewing angle from all directions. A new dedicated Zoom button makes it easy to preview images and assess sharpness at up to 25 times magnification. A new RGB histogram display aids in evaluating exposures with greater precision. Other playback options include single frame, 4 or 9-image thumbnail display, an improved histogram display and highlight point display.
The D80 also adds built-in Standard or Advanced Pictmotion slideshow options, which includes style selections that control transitions and background music. Shows can be enjoyed on the 2.5-inch LCD, or complete with audio on a television when connected via the supplied AV cable.
A new menu interface featuring refinements to the carefully chosen color scheme and increased font size makes navigation easier on the eye, easier to understand and easier to use. Menus can be customized to display only selected items using the new "My Menu" set.
Exclusive in-camera image editing features under the new Retouch menu helps to ensure consistently satisfying results and greater creative freedom without the use of a computer.
D-Lighting automatically brings out detail to enhance results and add creative flair, all the while optimizing overall exposure balance. Red-eye correction automatically detects and compensates for the annoying red-eye effect sometimes caused by flash.
Trim can be used to produce smaller files for easy sharing or greater efficiency. Image Overlay merges a pair of selected RAW (NEF) files taken with the D80 to create a new composite image. Other options include Monochrome settings (Black-and-white, Sepia, Cyanotype) and Filter Effects (Skylight, Warm filter, Color balance).
Multiple Exposure is a new shooting option that creates a single image within the camera from up to 3 consecutive exposures, producing an effect automatically that resembles multiple exposure techniques used with film.
Creative photography is as simple as rotating the mode dial with the D80's selection of seven automated Digital Vari-Programs. Choose from Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Close Up, Sports, Night Landscape, or Night Portrait and the selected program automatically optimizes white balance, sharpening, tone (contrast), color, saturation and hue settings to best match the shot. The D80 also offers personal control over image optimization settings, with user-selectable menu settings for the Normal, Softer, Vivid, Portrait, Custom and Black-and-white options.
The powerful built-in flash employs Nikon's highly robust i-TTL flash control for greater precision in flash exposure evaluation that achieves better automatic flash balance. i-TTL flash control also helps realize built-in features such as Repeating flash function for creating stroboscopic effects and the Modeling Flash, which allows photographers to visually assess overall lighting and shadow conditions prior to shooting.
Full support for the Advanced Wireless Lighting System lets the built-in flash function as a two-group remote commander that provides direct control over wireless SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlights.
The inherent advantages of the D80 combine with the empowering and creatively inspiring components of Nikon's Total Digital Imaging System to deliver a new level of operating ease, expanded creative possibilities, and pure enjoyment. This of course begins with the lineup of interchangeable high-quality AF and DX Nikkor lenses. It extends to maximizing the potential of Nikon?s Creative Lighting System, offering benefits such as i-TTL flash control, Advanced Wireless Lighting, highly reliable FV Lock and Auto FP High-Speed Sync, and enabling high-precision flash photography with SB-800, SB-600 and SB-R200 Speedlights.
Convenient and practical Total Imaging System add-ons include the new MB-D80 Multi-Power Battery Pack, featuring an ergonomic design that blends added stability with extended shooting potential and more comfortable shooting in vertical format.
The Wireless ML-L3 (IR) Remote Control and MC-DC1 Remote Cord options provide necessary camera stability when using long exposures, such as for landscape and macro photography.
Nikon?s PictureProject software, provided with every purchase of a Nikon D80, enables easy image importing, editing, organization and sharing. Design templates make it easy to produce prints, tailor images to e-mail, or layout several images on a page to produce creative album layouts.
Capture NX (available for purchase separately) is Nikon?s highly versatile and elegantly simple new photo editing solution designed for those who desire more creative control over post-processing and to help photographers tap the full potential of NEF (RAW) images. Featuring an innovative user interface that provides easier access to powerful and visually intuitive enhancement tools, Capture NX's powerful photo image processing and editing tools can also be applied to JPEG and TIFF files to satisfy a broader range of photofinishing needs and applications.
The Nikon D80 beautifully combines the best of latest advances in digital technology with ease of operation and quick and efficient camera handling. Add to this the advantages of Nikon's Total Imaging System, every aspiring photographer is certain to enjoy the Nikon digital SLR experience as much as the superb pictures produced with the D80.

Exceptional imaging quality
- New 10.2 effective megapixel Nikon DX Format CCD image sensor with the power to capture exceptional sharpness and faithful color at 3,872 x 2,592 pixels size.
- Inherits the industry-leading advanced imaging processing engine of Nikon professional D-SLR cameras. Color-independent pre-conditioning prior to A/D conversion works in harmony with high-precision digital image processing algorithms to produce natural-looking images that benefit from faithful color and tone reproduction.
- 3D Color Matrix Metering II automatic exposure control ensures ideal exposures in most lighting conditions. Evaluating brightness, color, contrast, selected focus area and camera-to-subject distance, the system references the data against an expanded onboard database created using data from more than 30,000 actual photographic scenes to instantly and accurately calculate the final exposure value for the shot. Variable center-weighted metering and spot metering centered on the active focus area are also available.
- Refined 11-area AF system packs the same number of focus areas available for the professional D2 series into a space-efficient system that features fast, precise operation. Each of the 11 focus areas can be used individually, the center sensor can be switched to wide-frame operation for broader coverage, and new Auto-area AF mode measures all 11 focus areas, automatically determines which of them are on the primary subject and activates only those areas.
- ISO AUTO mode automatically adjusts sensitivity between ISO 100 to 1600 to maximize available light and achieve optimal exposure. Sensitivity can also be set manually between ISO 100 to 1600 in steps of 1/3 EV, plus HI-0.3, HI-0.7 and HI-1. Three levels of High ISO Noise Reduction are available when shooting at high ISO settings. Long Exposure Noise Reduction is also available when shooting at shutter speeds of 8 seconds or slower.
- Seven automated Digital Vari-Programs easily accessed from the Mode Dial provide automatic operation that optimizes white balance, sharpening, tone, color, saturation and hue for crisp and vivid results that match the intended shot. Selections include Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Close Up, Sports, Night Landscape and Night Portrait.
- Easily accessed image optimization options closely tailor results to the scene at hand or the intended use of the image. Image sharpening, tone (contrast) compensation, color mode, saturation and hue adjustment is controlled by the user-selected choice of Normal, Softer, Vivid, More vivid, Portrait, Custom and Black-and-white.
- Near instant power-up of 0.18 seconds lets photographers respond to any shutter opportunities.
- A mere 80-millisecond shutter time lag (approximate) promotes fast handling.
- Swift continuous shooting performance at 3 frames per second* enables the shooting of up to 100 JPEG (FINE M-size or smaller) or up to 6 RAW (NEF) images.
- Average frame rate with continuous-servo AF, manual or shutter-priority auto exposure, a shutter speed of 1/250 seconds or faster, and remaining buffer memory.
- Shutter speeds ranging from 1/4,000 to 30 seconds or bulb setting provide full creative control.
- Creative in-camera effects and editing functions available under the new Retouch menu:
- D-Lighting automatically brings out detail to enhance results and add creative flair, all the while optimizing overall exposure balance.
- Red-eye correction automatically detects and compensates for the annoying red-eye effect sometimes caused by flash.
- Trim can be used to produce smaller files for easy sharing or greater efficiency for specific end purposes.
- Image Overlay merges a pair of selected RAW (NEF) files taken with the D80 to create a new composite image that can be saved in RAW or JPEG format.
- Monochrome settings (Black-and-white, Sepia, Cyanotype)
- Filter Effects (Skylight, Warm filter, Color balance)
- Multiple Exposure creates a single image within the camera from up to 3 consecutive exposures to produce imaginative and even surreal results.
- The D80 features a slimmer, more compact body with the size, layout and operation of all buttons and controls designed for intuitive operation.
- A large new 2.5-inch LCD monitor with a 170° viewing angle and new dedicated zoom button assist accurate and easy assessment of sharpness by enabling image preview at up to 25 times magnification (for L-size images). Convenient displays include RGB information as a single histogram display or as separate histograms for each color channel.
- Built-in slideshow options include Advanced Pictmotion shows with style selections that control transitions and background music, and that can be enjoyed on the 2.5-inch LCD, or complete with audio on a television via the supplied AV cable.
- The carefully chosen color scheme and increased font size of the new color-coded menu display makes navigation easier on the eye, easier to understand and easier to use. "My Menu" lets you customize Menus to display only the items you wish to see.
- Bright pentaprism viewfinder with large 0.94x magnification ensures the clearest view possible for precise composition.
- Nikon's EN-EL3e rechargeable lithium-ion battery delivers enough power to support the shooting of up to 2,700* images on a single charge, can be recharged at any time and features a handy real-time fuel gauge system display that shows remaining charge by percentage, number of shots since last charge and overall battery status.
- Achieved under the following test conditions: Fully charged EN-EL3e battery; temperature of 20°C/68°F; Zoom-Nikkor AF-S DX 18-135mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED lens; continuous shooting mode: continuous-servo autofocus; image quality set to JPEG BASIC; image size set to Medium; shutter speed 1/250 second; shutter release pressed halfway for three seconds and focus cycled from infinity to minimum range three times with each shot; monitor turned on for five seconds after six shots and then turned off; cycle repeated once exposure meters turned off.
- Unprecedented compatibility with Nikon?s lineup of AF Nikkor lenses and digital-exclusive DX Nikkor lenses. (When used with the D80 or any DX Format SLR, all AF and DX Nikkor lenses have a picture angle comparable to 1.5x that of 35mm [135] format.)
- Compatibility with the Nikon Creative Lighting System allows the D80 to work seamlessly with SB-800, SB-600 and SB-R200 Speedlights to deliver the benefits of i-TTL flash control?s advanced monitor pre-flash, accurate measurement for bounce and versatile wireless operation. SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights also offer a Wide-Area AF-assist Illuminator, which aids flash photography in dim light by projecting a pattern of red light that covers all eleven autofocus areas of the D80?s 11-area Multi-CAM 1000 AF Sensor Module.
- The optional MB-D80 battery pack adds extended shooting capability in an ergonomic design that adds shooting stability. Able to run on either one or two EN-EL3e batteries or six AA-size batteries*, the pack also features an additional command dial and alternative buttons for shutter release and AE-Lock/AF-Lock that make vertical shooting more comfortable.
- Compatible AA-size batteries comprise alkaline, Ni-MH, lithium and nickel-manganese batteries.
- PictureProject (complimentary with camera) software features an intuitive user interface that provides fast and easy access to powerful tools for organizing, editing and sharing images. Auto Enhance and other creative functions are readily available via handy buttons, as are Mail, Slideshow and CD/DVD burning functions. Pictures can be organized using simple drag ?n? drop operation, and can be quickly located by name, keyword, or date. Design templates make it easy to produce prints, tailor images to e-mail, or layout several images on a page to produce creative album layouts.
- Capture NX (available for purchase separately) is Nikon?s highly versatile and elegantly simple new photo editing solution designed to help photographers tap the full potential of NEF (RAW) images. Featuring an innovative user interface that provides easier access to powerful and visually intuitive enhancement tools, Capture NX's powerful photo image processing and editing tools can also be applied to JPEG and TIFF files to satisfy a broader range of photofinishing needs and applications.
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