Så spørs det hvilket selskap som blir det neste som må gi opp. Pentax hadde vært en kandidat om de ikke allerede hadde gått i kompaniskap med Samsung. Spørsmålet blir kanskje hvor lenge Hasselblad holder. Foreløpig klare de å opprettholde et sinnsykt prisnivå, men det er grenser for hvor lemge det lar seg gjøre. Om et par år har vi trolig kamera til godt under 50.000 med ytelser som for praktiske formål er like gode som det Hasselblad kan tilby i dag.
Pressemelding fra Mamiya USA:
Mamiya O/P has announced that its Optical Equipment Division, manufacturer of the leading medium format cameras and lenses will be transferred to a new company.
The new company, Cosmo Digital Imaging Company, Ltd. was formed by Cosmos Scientific Systems, Inc., a leading company in IT technology.
Cosmo Digital Imaging will be able to combine its software expertise with Mamiya?s photographic capabilities to further advance in the digital direction of professional photographic imaging technology.
Building on Mamiya?s reputation and world wide distribution network, the new company will be able to achieve an even higher level of customer satisfaction. Service of Mamiya cameras, lenses and accessories will also be handled by the existing Mamiya distribution network.
Coming in the wake of a number of industry changes, this positive development gives Mamiya a new direction and a vision for the future.
Cosmo Digital is planning to execute these changes on September 1, 2006 and will retain a substantial number of present staff and facilities and acquire all the assets including inventory, property, trademarks and patents to assure a smooth transition.
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