Edward Steichens fotografi viser månen som skinenr mellom trærene og speiler seg i en vanndam. Dette er et av tre kjente kopier, de to andre er i museums-samlinger.

The photograph was put up for sale by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has another copy in its collection.
Stephen Perloff, the editor of the Photograph Collector, a newsletter about the photography art market, said before the Steichen auction that it would be a "moment of history", the Associated Press news agency reports.
Steichen began experimenting with colour photography in 1904.
He was one of the first Americans to use the autochrome - a revolutionary method of producing colour photographs.
The previous record for highest price for a photograph at auction was set last November by Richard Prince's Untitled (Cowboy). It sold for $1,248,000 (£719,000).
BBC NEWS | Americas | Rare photo sets $2.9m sale record.
Pressemelding utgitt i forkant av auksjonen:
Edward Steichen's masterful multiple-process photograph The Pond-Moonlight (pictured on page 1, est. $700,000/1 million) is one of only three known prints of this image and is the best of Steichen's early landscapes. Made by Steichen in his mid-twenties, this photograph shows the young photographer working at the very peak of his aesthetic and technical abilities. As the other two prints of this image are in museum collections -- one retained in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the other in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art -- the appearance of this print for sale is a rare opportunity for collectors.
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